The Best Somali Stories — Episode 2

Abdirahman Garas
3 min readSep 14, 2022

Some time ago, there was an orphan boy who lived with the family of his uncle. He owned only one female camel that his father left him before dying. The camel used to graze on the same grass as his uncle’s camels .

All of a sudden, one day, the camels were robbed by a rival community. After the community found out about the theft, a group of men was selected to form a search party and go after the camels. Their mission was to take them back to the camels from the robbers. They prepared themselves and went after the robbers. They found the robbers and successfully took back the animals without any violent clashes.

Unfortunately, the female camel which belonged to the orphan boy was left behind. When the boy found out that his camel was missing from the rest of the animals, he became very sad. However, he went to see the leader of the men who went to search for the camels. He asked: “ Sir Geedow, did you know where is my female camel? I found that the only female camel that I have was left behind, why? Is that justice? Geedow replied: You are right, that is injustice, but please go and tell you’re complaining to chief Sudi. The orphan boy went to chief Sudi and asked: Chief Sudi did you hear that all the camels were taken back except my female camel? Yes, I heard that, replied chief Sudi.

The orphan asked again: Chief Sudi is that fair? The chief answered: whether it is justice or injustice the young people who went to take the robbed camels back will not go again to take back only one female camel. He could not speak out anymore: he had no other options, so he was patient. When the boy grew up, he became a very bright and wise person. One day, there was heavy rainfall in the area.

There was water everywhere and people felt cold at night. Everyone lighted fires to keep warm . The young boy and group of elders including chief Sudi were among those warming themselves by the fire. After each person was warm enough, the young boy said, “ Oh God ! Look how useful is this fire? “ But people around the fire asked him,” Are you sure that fire is useful! He replied, “ Yes, I am sure if it is ignited by the right woman.”

Again they asked him, “Are women good?” He answered, “ Yes if she has got the right man.” Then people said, “ Do you think men are good?” He replied, “ Yes if he has wealth.” They then asked, “ Is wealth good?” He claimed, “ Yes if it is a camel.” Again, they asked, “ is owning camels good!” He replied, “ Yes if there is a community it belongs”. The people asked, “ Are communities good?” He said, “Yes if they have elders”.

Yet again, they asked, “ Are elders wise?” He answered, “ Yes if they can judge with justice.” At last, they asked, “ Is justice good?” He said, “ Yes if handled by knowledgeable and wise judges.”.

The people could not believe the quick wit and intelligence of the young man. Because of his wisdom, they elected him as one of the chiefs of the village. He became a well-respected leader in the area.

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