Things I wish I knew from early on for my life

unconventional counsel for young people

Abdirahman Garas
4 min readJan 29, 2022
I do not regret the things I’ve done, but those I did not do.
Photo by Keegan Houser on Unsplash

1. It’s okay to be different.

Don’t spend so much time trying to be like everyone else. The world is huge, Do you really believe that the individuals who are currently in your life have it all figured out? Furthermore, some people are drawn to someone who sticks out (in a good way.)

2. Everything you do has an impact on what you’re about to do next.

Even simple tasks such as cleaning your teeth have an impact on how well you perform at work. The way you approach each work, beginning with waking up in the morning, has an impact on your larger tasks. For instance, if you brush your teeth with complete concentration, you will be focused at work.

3. Not Everyone Has to Like You

“Everybody is going to have an opinion on you; not everyone is going to like you. You can’t live your life based on other people’s opinions of you or let that change what you do or how you feel about yourself, because then you’re not living. ”

— Rumer Willis

Some people will like you as you are. Some may want you to behave a certain way before they like you. And, some people will never like you no matter how good or kind or nice or loving or helpful or anything else you are; so don’t waste your time; don’t take it personally; don’t worry about it.

4. Learn to stay calm.

Sometimes our level of emotions increases too high that we are unable to control ourselves. Our behavior directly starts affecting our personal life. So, we should always keep patience and becomes less stressed on that occasion. “Stay in Calm” is often used by people for changing their behavior.

5. No one is your competition until you yourself define one.

There is a saying in the food industry “You are only as good as your last meal.” It doesn’t matter how good your product or service was last year, last week, or even yesterday. What matters is how you provide and execute today, period. Your only customers that matter are today’s customers, and your only focus should be on doing better today than you did yesterday.

Your only competition is to become better than you were the prior day. This is true whether you are in the restaurant, manufacturing, technology, or other industry. To beat your yesterday self is to improve and further create a distinguishing brand of your own without regard for what your (perceived) competition is doing.

6. Actions are better than sayings.

Actions speak louder than words, actions are more impactful than just their words alone. Put another way instead of just talking about doing something, it’s more meaningful if a person actually does something.

7. Fake Friends

“Before you diagnose yourself with depression or low self-esteem, first make sure that you are not, in fact, just surrounded by assholes.”

— Sigmund Freud

People that make fun of you and insult you are not your true pals. They are the source of your low self-esteem. They frequently criticize you and point out only your flaws. Why? They are self-conscious, and if they dismiss you, they are attempting to make themselves appear better. You should avoid them rather than be irritated with them. You are not to blame for their lack of self-assurance.

8. Saying No Is Okay

Being a yes man can be draining and being a people pleaser can be annoying. Being a people pleaser is rather selfish in and of itself if you think about it. Is it true that you accept requests because you want to assist or because you think it will make people like you more? Not only that but being overly generous can lead to abuse.

9. It’s okay to be weird.

Weird in a good way literally means you’re weird in a way that a person or people like! Basically, means don’t change, you make the world more interesting and fun to live in.

10. Your grades matter less than you think.

Grades are just an evaluation of your memory rather than your ability and skills in various aspects of your life and passion. At times you may feel depressed that you didn’t study well and have not enough grades for your dream career. That’s when you have to start working hard.

Thanks for reading!

